Winter Stories by Hedgehogs Class
Hedgehogs Class wrote stories with a wintry theme, inspired by Elmer in the Snow. Many of the children then recorded their stories - click to listen to them!
They also made the wonderful collage of Elmer you can see above, using Lego cards.
Mr Snow by Harry and Thomas
The Colourful Bunny by Olivia
Sienna in the Snow by Layla
The Christmas Journey by Daniel
Elmer wants to find Santa by Charlie
Penny in the Snow by Mollie
Colours in the Snow by Ruby and Olivia J
The Little Hedgehog by Zachary
Rufus Finds Food by Freya and Jemima
Elmer by Harvey
Rexy and the Christmas Party by Charlie W
Baby all alone by Isobel and Maisie
Mrs Dobbin reads The Magic Paintbrush
This version of the traditional tale is retold by Julia Donaldson. It was our focus book for 2021 Book Week, and inspired our library decoration. Do you remember it?
Miss House reads Bears Don't Eat Egg Sandwiches!
Mrs Ambrose reads Ruby's Worry.
Mrs Ambrose read Ruby's Worry during our Mental Health Awareness week for Owl Class. I thought I would share it here for you all.
Dream Snow by Eric Carle
Mrs Dobbin reads Dream Snow with a little help from some Owls, and with artwork from the library that some of our Hedgehogs helped to create.