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Welcome to Great Hockham Primary School and Nursery

Creative, Caring, Daring

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At Great Hockham, we aim to foster a love of learning for Maths.  Discovering and learning through Mastery approach, our children will have a strong foundation for understanding the world of Mathematics.

We want every child to:

  • Enjoy and succeed in Maths.
  • Be able to confidently solve problems.
  • Explain their reasoning.


We firmly believe that:

  • Teaching Maths is essential to everyday life.
  • Success in mathematics is possible for every child, whatever his/her background or prior attainment.
  • Mistakes are an opportunity to develop.
  • Mathematical ability is not innate, and is increased through effort.  Effort means being resilient and not giving up easily.
  • Every child can achieve a strong foundation in mathematics, with no child left behind.


This is our fourth year of embedding Mastery approach of teaching and learning across the school.  We currently use White Rose (Scheme of work) across the Key Stage 1 and 2 with Nursery and Reception using the NCTEM's Mastery in Number scheme.  Planning is also supplemented with NCETM materials.


Our Maths lessons are fun and engaging. Children learn best in Maths when using concrete objects and representations in order to support their learning and understanding of abstract ideas.  Therefore, we encourage the use of a wide range of manipulatives and representations in Maths lessons, for example Numicon, number beads, Dienes block, counters, ten frame, part-part whole model and bar model.

Our pupils are encouraged to work in pairs and groups to solve problems as we also know that talking about Maths helps children to develop their understanding.

In addition to their regular Maths lessons, we also seek to promote cross-curricular opportunities for Maths learning wherever possible, for example in Science, D.T., Geography and P.E.  Pupils also frequently learn Maths outdoors, enabling them to apply their mathematical skills to the real world.


We strongly believe that 'Answer is just the beginning of our journey' and through this when children are rushing to give an answer quickly, we encourage them to think deeply and reason on their solution.


What you can do as Parents to help your child/children


Tell them – you love Maths (to create a passion in them)

Help them – to have the right Mindset (to make children believe that I can do this as my parents could)

Ask them – to explain their answer (to make them realise it's not about the answer but how I got it)
