English beyond the classroom
"There is more treasure in books
than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." Walt Disney
Inspiring Visitors
Being confident, competent readers, writers, speakers and listeners equips the children will the skills they need to be successful in all areas of learning and in all aspects of life. Exposing children to wider experiences beyond the classroom inspires and motivates the children to develop and apply their skills. The children have been enthused and motivated by external visitors including award winning author and illustrator Chris Riddell, story teller Robin Gregory and the wonderfully entertaining Garlic Puppet Theatre.
Story time
Our story time section of the school website invites you to listen to and enjoy some of our favourtie stories at home.
Book Week
Every year we hold a whole school book week. Last year this was a virtual week involving Masked Readers. Book Week is focused around an author or a specific text. Parents and families are encouraged to join in with the week through competitions, reading cafes and book fairs. All of our pupils receive World Book day vouchers to spend on a £1 book or to spend on one of our Scholastic Book Fair books.
Reading Assembly
Throughout the school year, the whole school listen to and enjoy a high quality text together in Mrs Dobbin's reading assemblies. Often these texts are linked to a theme around wellbeing, provoking deeper thought and discussion around the underlying messages within the texts.
Extreme Reader
Extreme reader is a photography competition, inviting staff, pupils and parents, to send in a photograph of themselves reading in extreme places.
Reading Ambassadors
Our Year Six Reading Ambassadors plan a range of activities to inspire the younger children to love reading. Activities include story sessions, craft activities linked to a book and writing activities linked to a book.
Reading at home
Our school library is situated in the heart of the school, and is a warm and welcoming space. Pupils are able to access books that they can share and enjoy with their families at home. The children also have reading books matched to their reading ability to take home. However reading shouldn't be limited to these books and we encourage parents to expose their children to a wide range of literature, and to listen to and read to their children every day.