School Clubs
Early Birds Club
We run an early morning drop off club for children from Reception to Year 6. The sessions run from 8 – 8.45am each morning. Children enjoy crafts, playing games and Lego building.
The cost is £4 per child per session and can be booked through WisePay > School Clubs as part of a regular or ad-hoc commitment.
Lunchtime and After School Clubs
We offer a variety of extra curricular clubs and activities that run during school lunchtime and after school. There is a small charge (payable half termly in advance) for all after school clubs. This allows us to purchase materials and fund staff (where necessary) to give the children an enriched experience. These clubs are not profit-making. Most lunchtime clubs are free of charge. They are all very popular. Last year 95% of children participate in at least one club every week. Parents see this as a real strength of the school.
Look out for our 'pop-up clubs' - a one-off chance to try something new, or enjoy an old favourite like Lego. Last year we have offered corn dolly making, washi-tape crafts, maths challenges, top-trumps, reading club, art and and a wide variety of different crafts. We will be offering a variety of opportunities and rotating the classes participating each term.
Please sign up and pay for clubs on WisePay via General Payments Tab. For further information please contact the office.