Useful Links
If you have a safeguarding concern, you should phone the Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on:
0344 800 8021 (Out of hours: 0344 800 3020) The team there are very supportive and will give you excellent advice.
If you have a concern about an adult working with a child you should contact the Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) on 01603 223473
Courses for Parents and Carers
Below is a link to Norfolk County Council's current courses for parents and carers:
Courses for parents and carers - Norfolk County Council
They offer free courses for parents and carers who would like some support. They are held online or in small face to face groups.
The courses include:
* Understanding your child (Solihull approach). Topics included in this course are:
- Communication
- Interactions
- Having fun together
- Ages and stages of growing up
- Managing feelings
- Sleep
- Relationships
* Triple P
* Freedom Programme
* Circle of Security
* Video Interaction Guidance
* Reducing parental conflict