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Welcome to Great Hockham Primary School and Nursery

Creative, Caring, Daring

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We have just three rules which we believe cover everything we need –


Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe


Rule 1 - Be Ready: ready for learning, ready to respond, ready to follow adults’ requests.  This includes making sure children are listening, being attentive and not messing around.


Rule 2 – Be Respectful: of your peers, adults and of yourself.

This helps us to think about the way we speak and act.  Manners, kindness, and tolerance are part of this, along with looking after yourself.  It includes rudeness, verbal or physical aggression towards others and a recognition that we embrace our differences.  We also use our Be Respectful rule to support caring for our environment - from our classroom to our planet.  


Rule 3 – Be Safe: are the things I am doing keeping me and others safe?  Along with keeping ourselves and others safe physically by, for example, not running inside, throwing things or avoiding rough play, this covers other important aspects of life such as e-safety, traffic awareness or stranger danger. 


Working in this way really encourages our children to think about actions and their consequences – they are great building blocks for thoughtful and reasoned behaviour, and for later life. 


Along with this we put a positive spin on things – we aim to catch your children being good and showing the behaviours we want to see, rather than giving attention to what we don’t want to see.  As far as possible, we will praise in public, and reprimand in private.


Ask your children what our rules are – they should know!

