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Creative, Caring, Daring

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Maths Beyond the Classroom

"Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences." -  Galileo Galilei

Maths Ambassadors


 Maths Ambassadors are pupils who aim to inspire children to love Maths and to engage in Maths challenges.  They have set themselves a series of tasks to achieve their aims.

  • setting Maths trails on the playground
  • leading Maths activities during assemblies, at playtime and pop-up clubs
  • setting regular Maths challenges
  • testing pupils on their times tables
  • meeting regularly to raise the profile of Maths in school


These are led by Mrs Radhamma - please speak to her if you would like to try and become a Maths Ambassador.

Our current Maths Ambassadors are: Max J, Owen, Freya J, Ruby, Isobel, Mollie, Thomas, Jemima, Olivia B, George, Daisy and Olivia J

Hockham Maths Ambassadors

Maths assemblies


Mrs Radhamma leads a Maths assembly once a term, in one of the Forum assemblies. This provides an opportunity to  share learning across year groups through

  • challenges
  • comparing work and achievements
  • completing fun activities
  • singing Maths songs
  • quizzes


Our Maths ambassadors also help with designing and leading some of these activities.  

Maths games for children to take home


We have a  lending library of Maths games that you can take home to enjoy with your child.  Games are changed on Friday afternoon - please encourage your child to come along and borrow one.  You should have all the resources you need in each pack (dice, counters etc.) - if something gets lost or damaged at home we understand, just please let us know, so we can make sure all the games are ready to play.  


We are resuming this after Autumn half term.

Whole school termly Maths challenge

2019- 2020

Mrs Radhamma launched a competition in Autumn term 2019, inviting staff and pupils to find arrays in real life and to bring in photographs of them.   Following this, the Maths ambassadors have taken the lead to run the competitions termly - inviting parents as well. 

2020- 2021

Autumn term challenge -Challenge 1:  Straight to Curves from Nrich.

                                        Challenge 2: To explore and find Maths in real world.     

Spring and Summer term challenge - 

                                        Challenge 1:  To create a Maths Board game for children to play.

                                        Challenge 2:  To create a song that would help us remember a number fact for                                                                      any age group starting from number bonds to factors/coordinates.

                                        Challenge 3: Sort the Street, Three ball line up and Creating Squares from Nrich.

2021- 2022

Autumn term challenge -Challenge 1:  Spot the Number blocks around our school(designed by our Maths                                                                 Ambassadors).

                                        Challenge 2: Explore Maths in Art and Poetry.


If you would like to get involved, the competition is open until the end of each term. Please email your entries to Mrs Radhamma at Photographs of this will be put on display on our website, and prizes will be given to our most creative pattern finder. 

Times Tables Rock Stars  and Numbots


These are on-line games to increase fluency and automaticity for times tables and number facts. 

Every child has a log-in.  We recognise children who have taken the opportunity to practice through the awarding of certificates during assemblies, and celebrate successes through challenges and with-in and between class competitions.  Children who are unable to practice at home can have opportunities to do so at school - please ask your class teacher or Mrs Radhamma. 


We are very grateful to the Friends who have bought our subscription for the year - thank you.


Maths pop-up clubs


These are run on an ad-hoc basis at lunchtime.  They will be advertised on the pop-up club board, and are often organised by our Maths Ambassadors - if you have an idea to share please let Mrs Radhamma know.
