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Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class 2024-2025! 

Class Teacher: Miss G Wade

Teaching Assistant: Mrs A Beatson

Friday Class Teacher: Mrs J Hayes

A very warm and happy welcome to the Owl Class Page - 2024-2025.

I am super excited to be entering another year within Owl class and I cannot wait to see what fantastic progress and learning our Year 1 and 2 children can make. This page will be a place for you to access our half termly homework menus, curriculum maps, subject timetable and photos from our homework galleries; and hopefully much more! 

I am always more than happy to chat with parents and carers about anything related to our Owl Class learning. Please catch me with any questions or queries you may have.

I look forward to working with you throughout the year and supporting your child to make amazing progress.

Miss Wade - Class Teacher


Autumn 2 - Homework Celebration! Thank you to all the children, parents and carers for creating some fantastic pieces of homework this half term. I think it is clear to see word searches were a very popular choice! It was great to see children trying to solve their friend's work!

Homework Celebration - Autumn 1 - Thank you all children and parent/carers who worked hard to create their first piece of homework for the year. It was lovely to see such a variety of pieces which had been chosen off the Homework Menu! I look forward to Autumn 2.

Welcome to Owl Class 2023-2024

Class Teacher - Miss Wade

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Beatson

Friday Class Teacher: Mrs Hayes 

Welcome to Owl Class 2023-2024! I know this academic year is going to be brilliant and I can't wait to showcase some of the amazing learning the children will be doing throughout the year. This page will have have photos uploaded each half term to show you the wonderful things we are getting up to in Owl Class. You will also be able to access your child's half termly homework menu, curriculum map and view their overall subject timetable. 



Spring 1 - Homework Celebration - WOW! Some absolutely fantastic homework projects from this half term, thank you to all children and parents who took the time to produce some great pieces of work. The children loved speaking about their projects in front of the class and sharing how they created them. It's great to see how enthusiastic children have been about our learning over the past half term!

Spring 1 - Homework and Curriculum Map

Spring 1 - Weekly Timetable

Autumn 2 - Homework and Curriculum Map

Autumn 2 - Weekly Timetable

Autumn 1 - Homework Celebration - Thank you to all the children and parent/carers who created some absolutely fantastic pieces of homework this half term. It is clear Owl Class have thoroughly enjoyed learning about The Great Fire Of London and it was wonderful to see such a wide variety of creations inspired by this significant event.

Autumn 1 - Homework and Curriculum Map

Autumn 1 - Subject Timetable

Welcome to Owl Class - 2022-2023

Class Teacher - Miss Wade

Morning Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Shiplee
Morning Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Hayes

Afternoon Teaching Assistant - Miss Duffield 

Welcome to Owl Class 2022! We are so excited for this academic year and we can't wait to show you all the amazing learning and work the children will be completing. Keep an eye on this page to see what we get up to each half term through the use of photos and videos. You will also be able to access your child's half termly homework menu, curriculum map and view their overall subject timetable. 

Summer 2 - 2022/2023

Summer 1 - 2022/2023

Owl Class loved exploring the technique of printing during our Art unit. They have created some fantastic farmyard scenes!

We were very excited to welcome Taylor into Owl Class who spoke to the children about her job of working on a farm!

A massive thank you for the effort children and parents/carers put into our Summer 1 Homework Celebration! It was brilliant to see such a variety of projects created. I loved seeing children getting involved with cooking and growing their own bean plants!

Owl Class loved being a part of the King's Coronation 2023!

Spring 2 - 2022/2023

Wow, another brilliant homework gallery. I loved reading about the jobs children would like to have when they grow up! Also, there were some super portraits which children had clearly spent time and care over. It was also so interesting to see the research children had completed on their family members and the Victorian times. Amazing! Well done everyone.

Our first Science Cafe was a brilliant success. Thank you to all parents and carers who came to see what exciting Science learning we had been up to. Owl Class absolutely loved creating their own boats and testing to see how many cubes it could hold whilst floating on water. We had so much fun!

World Book Day 2023! Owl Class had some fantastic and creative costumes. We had a brilliant day completing activities about our favourite texts and listening to different staff members read to us.

Spring 1 - 2022/2023

What an absolutely spectacular display of projects from our homework gallery during Spring 1. I was so impressed with how creative children had been to design some brilliant chairs, cave paintings and ways of helping our environment.

Owl Class thoroughly enjoyed creating their own cave paintings during our Spring 1 half term. They used a variety of techniques and mediums to achieve their finished piece.

As part of our History unit, Owl Class were very excited to receive a visit from Mr. Dobbin! He brought in a variety of old toys which had been kept within his family for many years. The children were fascinated to see how the toys worked and asked brilliant questions.

As part of our Art unit, the children experimented different painting techniques which didn't involve using brushes. They used toothbrushes to flick paint, marbles to roll paint and cardboard to spread paint.

Autumn 2 - 2022/2023

Our Autumn 2 Homework Gallery was another fantastic success! The projects and pieces of homework children produced were simply superb. Children had really taken time and care to create interesting pieces related to our topic of, 'Where in the World am I?'.

Owl Class were very excited to make their own jam sandwiches as part of our Instruction Unit in English.

As part of our Animation unit during Computing, we made our own flipbooks! We also made our own stop motion animation using the app, iMotion.

Autumn 1 - 2022/2023

As part of our Design Technology unit during Autumn 1, the children thoroughly enjoyed exploring levers and sliders. They created their own simple slider mechanism by creating a space background and flying rocket.

Our first Autumn 1 homework gallery was an amazing success! The children of Owl Class produced some detailed, interesting and thoughtful pieces of work. It was great to see such a variety.

2021 - 2022

Owl Class Weekly Timetable




Sealife Centre


Reception, Year One and Year Two had a wonderful day at Great Yarmouth Sealife Centre. Thank you very much to everyone who helped make the day such a special one.

Sealife Centre

Science Share


Owl Class completed a Science Investigation using glassses of water and an egg. Working in pairs they were given two seemingly identical glasses of water to place their eggs in. However one sank and the other floated. The children were asked - WHY? Answers ranged from the one egg being rotten and the other being fresh, one have a bigger yolk than the other, one egg being cooked and one raw and one egg being heavier than the other. 


We took some time to look at the water cycle and we discovered that the sea has a higher mass of salt than fresh water. The children learnt that the DENSITY of the water caused the egg in salt water to float. 


Having made this discovery, Owl Class were asked to repeat the investigation with Hedgehog class, but this time they were the teachers!

Jubilee Celebrations

Biscuit decorating fun

The theme for Science Week 2022 was 'Growing'.

This fitted in perfectly with our Book Week text 'The Curious Garden'. The children made and planted their own gardens and wrote some instructions explaining how seeds grow. We thought about where rain came from to water our seeds and discovered that there is a water cycle. We also attempted to defy gravity and see whether water doesn't always fall down. 

World Book Day 2022

Children's Mental Health Week - Growing Together!

Exposure to Nature and Mental Wellbeing go hand in hand and the children had the opportunity to plant a tree in the fuel and furze woodland to watch grow over time.

Merry Christmas

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. To get you in the festive spirit, we have prepared a video for you which has been uploaded to your Teams page. 


Zoom with a Scientist!


Owl Class have been learning about humans - how we grow and how we change. We found the fact that our tallest member of our class is not our oldest member of our class confusing, so we decided to find out a little bit more about why this is.

Who better to ask than a scientist!

Zoom with a Scientist!

Welcome back Year 2 and welcome to Owl Class Year 1. We have such an exciting year ahead of us, we cannot wait to get started! Our first topic is based around a well loved story character Titch, but we will be starting our term meeting lots of adorable Mr Men and Little Miss Characters to support our wellbeing as we settle back into the new term . 




2020 - 2021

Those Magnificent Owls and their flying machines!

Still image for this video
Today we are celebrating Science through our virtual Curiosity Cafe. You can access a range of videos from every class on the website Science page (Curriculum / Science / Curiosity Cafe). Owl Class have been exploring the skills you need to be a Super Scientist. Join in with their home hoop glider challenge and share your Super Science photographs with us please.

This year the theme for mental health awareness week is 'Connect with Nature'.


Connecting with Nature is not just about being outside, it's about noticing and becoming sensitive to what is around us. We use our senses to do this whether it's looking for shapes in the clouds, smelling flowers, listening to birds chirp or digging about in the soil. Connecting with Nature helps us feel happier, improves our concentration, increases our self-esteem, helps us sleep better and helps us become more environmentally aware. 




At school we have been planting sunflower seeds to brighten up the school environment. A mindful activity we enjoy at school is sitting still outside and naming 5 things we can see, 4 things we can hear, 3 things we can touch, 2 things we can smell and 1 thing we can taste.


How will you Connect with Nature today?


                                      Home Learning Timetable – Owl Class







Phonics / SPAG




















Monday 1st March


Hello Owl Class,


This week is Book Week. We hope you enjoy our text for the week, The Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson. We have some lovely activities planned for you. 

Join me on Teams at 2.30pm Wednesday for a special Book Week Quiz. 


Thursday 4th March is World Book Day. Please share you photos with us of you dressed as your favourite book characters.  


Have fun guessing who is behind the mask in our Masked Reader Competition. 


It's going to be a magical week!


From Mrs Dobbin 

Tuesday 9th February


Owl Class have been enjoying themselves in the snow making snow bears as part of

our teddy bear focused week. 



Children's Mental Health Week 1st to 5th February

Hello Owl Class,


We are so impressed with the learning you are doing at home. Our gallery is full of wonderful work. You really are amazing.


It is so important to keep our minds well during this time, so look out for our Express Yourself activities throughout the week and don't forget to take part in our calendar activities.


We are starting the week with the number 3.


From Mrs Dobbin

Thursday 7th January


Good afternoon Owl Class.

It is great to see how many of you have managed to log in to Teams. This is a new way of learning for all of us and there are bound to be some teething problems but I am sure we will soon get used to it. Mrs Hall has sent home a letter about home learning expectations and we are here to support you with this. 


As well as completing your home learning activities I wanted to remind you about the Useful Links page. There are some excellent free resources available for you to use including e reading books from website such as Oxford Owl. Don't forget that there is also a link on the Reading Page for online reading books. 


From Mrs Dobbin

Tuesday January 5th 


Good morning Owl Class. This morning has not begun in the way we expected and we have all been asked to stay at home for a little longer. However we are still your teachers and this is still your school and whilst we will miss your smiling faces, we will continue to support you with your learning journey.


Today we are busily ensuring you all have logins and access to Teams, and are organising your home learning. Please be patient as this will take us a little while as we tweak and twizzle things.


In the meantime there are some fun homework activites above that link with our new topic, new spellings to practice using spelling bee acitivites will be emailed to your parents later this morning and there is a link on the Reading page of the website for online reading books. You could also write us a letter sharing all of your Christmas holiday news.


We are so proud of you Owls and we know that your adapted brilliantly before and will adapt brilliantly again.


From Mrs Dobbin, Mrs Ambrose and Miss House 



January 1st 2021


Happy New Year Owl Class! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas with your families. We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday 5th January and hearing your news.


A new year is always a time to reflect on the past year, and what an unusual one it has been. It is a time to appreciate the positives, acknowledge the negatives but also a chance for new beginnings and to continue to grow. We were all so impressed by your positive attitudes and super progress last term and we are excited to share lots more fun activities with you this term, to build on the areas we find tricky and to continue our learning journey together. 


From Mrs Dobbin, Mrs Ambrose and Miss House





Autumn Term 2 2020

                                                   Happy Christmas from Owl Class!


Well done Owl Class - you have been amazing this term. As well as adapting to the new way of working, you have made excellent progress in your learning, Our Gruffalo and Brrr topics have been so much fun and our homework galleries show just how hard you have continued that learning at home.


Owl Class would like to send everyone a special Christmas message. Please enjoy the film below. 

Christmas Photo Booth 2020

Still image for this video

Zoom with a Scientist


'What animal group does the platypus belong to?'


Who better to ask than Super Scientist, Emily Fowler, who very kindly zoomed Owl Class on Tuesday to help us answer our question. The platypus breaks lots of our animal group rules. They have fur, they have a beak and they lay eggs! So what sort of animal are they? See if your children can tell you the answer.


From Mrs Dobbin



Thursday 3rd December



Hello Owl Class, can you believe that December is here already?

We have had such a busy term and in the next few days we shall being putting together a gallery of photos to share with your parents to show them some of the wonderful things you have been up to.


Until then, take your parents on a virtual tour of the school by clicking on the link on the website. You'll find it under the About Us tab. 


We have also uploaded some phoneme films to help you and your parents learn the correct pronunciation of the phonemes. We hope you enjoy looking at them.


From Mrs Dobbin, Mrs Ambrose and Miss House



Phase 3 phoneme film

Still image for this video

Phase 5 phoneme film

Still image for this video

Owls in the snow!

Friday 20th November


Good afternoon Owl Class. 


You have been spending time working on your handwriting and letter formation in class and we are very proud of the progress you are making with this. Well done Owls - keep it up!


Above are some letter formation models to help you to continue practicing your letter formation at home. The booklet contains the correct formation with the rhymes and the letter mat models the entry lead which we are encouraging you to use once you have formed your letters correctly. 


Our wall of wonderful work is getting filled up with your beautiful handwriting. Let's see if it can be full by Christmas.


From Mrs Dobbin, Mrs Ambrose and Miss House

12th November


Good afternoon Owl Class.


Year 2 have been lucky enough to take part in some Zoom maths sessions this week led my the Maths Hub. They had great fun finding odd and even numbers, and multiples of 5. 


Mrs Radhamma has created some wonderful maths links on the Curriculum Maths page of the website for you all to enjoy, including maths games for the whole family. You will find them under the tab 'Maths at Hockham: 2020-2021'. Have fun!


From Mrs Dobbin

2nd November


Good morning Owl Class, we hope you had a wonderful week with your families. We are very excited to start our new topic 'Brrr!' this half term. Hopefully we won't get too chilly! 


Above you will find the home learning activities to accompany the topic. Any you complete can be emailed to us in the usual way. We have created a new homework gallery in anticipation for your amazing work!


From Mrs Dobbin, Mrs Ambrose and Miss House

Autumn Term 1 2020

21st October 2020


Hello Owls,


Wishing you all a wonderful half term. You have been amazing! We are so proud of the way you have come back to school with such a positive attitude and a super attitude to learning. You've all done some amazing work for our Gruffalo topic and we cannot wait to start our 'Brrrr' topic next term. 


Don't forget that Mrs Radhamma has set an exciting Autumn Maths Challenge for you all called Straight to the Curves. You can find it under Key Information, Curriculum, Maths, Beyond the Classroom. Keep emailing your photographs of your reading at home too for the Reading Gallery on the Literacy Page. 


We hope you enjoy the pumpkin trial around the village and that you have a Happy and safe Halloween.


From Mrs Dobbin, Mrs Ambrose and Miss House




Look at Harriet and Walter's amazing Straight to the Curves!






7th September 2020


Hello Owl Class,


Welcome to our brand new page for our brand new school year. Welcoming you all into school this week has been wonderful and the way you have all embraced the changes to our usual school day has been amazing. You really are outstanding owls! The classrooms is full of chatter, giggles and lots of lovely learning - just as it should be. 


Below are the links to some class information and we have created our new homework gallery. We are excited to see what activities you complete. 

We are also excited to update this page regularly so we can show your parents what you are getting up to at school. So lets get busy ...


From Mrs Dobbin and Mrs Ambrose 





Exciting news!

We are thrilled that Miss House will be joining Owl Class to support the teaching of phonics, reading, writing and maths in the mornings. We already have a few new faces in Owl Class and I know you will all help them to settle in. 

