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Welcome to Great Hockham Primary School and Nursery

Creative, Caring, Daring

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Useful Links


If you have a safeguarding concern, you should phone the Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on:

0344 800 8021 (Out of hours: 0344 800 3020)  The team there are very supportive and will give you excellent advice.

If you have a concern about an adult working with a child you should contact the Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) on 01603 223473

Courses for Parents and Carers

Below is a link to Norfolk County Council's current courses for parents and carers:


Courses for parents and carers - Norfolk County Council


They offer free courses for parents and carers who would like some support. They are held online or in small face to face groups.


The courses include:

* Understanding your child (Solihull approach). Topics included in this course are:

  • Communication
  • Interactions
  • Having fun together
  • Ages and stages of growing up
  • Managing feelings
  • Sleep
  • Relationships

* Triple P

* Freedom Programme

* Circle of Security

* Video Interaction Guidance

* Reducing parental conflict

Family Learning, Norfolk Adult Learning

BBC Bitesize

Love My Books

Oxford Owl

Phonics Bloom

Phonics Play


ICT Games

Times Tables Rockstars

Count on Norfolk



Science Kids



Internet Matters


UK Safer Internet Centre

Sapientia Education Trust

