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PSTT Sapientia Cluster

We are delighted to have been granted the prestigious opportunity to work in partnership with the Primary Science Teaching Trust in the formation and running of a science cluster group. Great Hockham will be the lead school in the cluster which will involve all the other primaries in our Trust - a total of 10 schools. This is a fantastic opportunity for all of us to be working with this highly-esteemed scientific organization who will not only grant us funding but also provide us with invaluable advice and professional support. Our science subject lead will work collaboratively with those in the rest of the Trust. We will be sharing expertise and working together to raise the profile of science within and beyond our local communities. PSTT Clusters are designed to facilitate sustained, strategic improvement in this hugely important subject and we are very grateful to the support we have already received from our regional mentor, Claire Seeley and the project director, Peter Sainsbury. Please see below for a summary of how we have been working as a Cluster over the past year.


  • Several science leads attended the A.S.E. annual Conference to broaden their understanding of primary science at a national level
  • The group worked together to produce banks of resources for planning and assessment
  • All schools have completed (or are currently scheduled to complete) their Primary Science Quality Mark
  • The group have shared their knowledge and expertise so that we are maximising our resources and skills
  • We have received bespoke CPD to support the needs of all schools in the group
  • We have resourced all the schools so that they have the equipment they need to teach exciting and effective science lessons