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Ofsted and Performance Data

Great Hockham Primary School was last inspected by OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education) in November 2021.  Please find the report here: 

Due to Covid-19 closure during Spring Term 2020, there is no performance data for Academic Year 2020.


School Performance 2019


The Year 6 SATs test outcomes were as follows:

47% achieved the expected standard in reading (the national figure was 73%) and 27% achieved a higher standard (called greater depth).

80% achieved the expected standard in writing (national was 78%) and 13% achieved greater depth.

40% achieved the expected standard in Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (national was 78%) and 13% achieved greater depth.

40% achieved the expected standard in maths (national was 79%)and 7% achieved greater depth.

40% achieved the expected standard in all three areas of reading, writing and maths combined.


The average scaled score in reading was 100 and maths was 99 (100 is the national average).


Average progress between the end of Key Stage 1 and end of Key Stage 2 in reading was 0.0, writing was 3.0 and maths was -2.6.


The Year 2 test outcomes were as follows:

81% achieved the expected standard in reading (the national figure was 75%) and 19% achieved a higher standard (called greater depth).

75% achieved the expected standard in writing (national was 78%) and 13% achieved greater depth.

81% achieved the expected standard in maths (national was 76%)and 19% achieved greater depth.

75% achieved the expected standard in all three areas of reading, writing and maths combined.


